The Nelson Mandela Foundation has officially announced the upcoming release of a documentary series titled “Mandela: Life” more than a decade following his passing. This series is said to recount the life of the late leader, “in his own words, narrated in his voice.”
According to News24, the development of this docu-series has been ongoing for a span of two years, with a global release date set for Freedom Day on 27 April next year. Consisting of five parts, the series will delve into Mandela’s life during the turbulent period in South African history from 1984 to 1994, known as the ‘deadly decade’ marked by significant political violence.
The documentary will shed light on Mandela’s time in prison amidst violence and division, as well as the transformative journey that culminated in his election as the president of South Africa.
Reports indicate that Mandela’s foundation, the official guardian of his personal archive, has authorized the publisher of “five books with and about Nelson Mandela, Blackwell & Ruth,” (a long-standing partner) exclusive rights to produce the series. This publisher then collaborated with acclaimed filmmaker Mandla Dube for direction and co-production through his production company, Pambilimedia.
Dube expressed, “We are reshaping the perspective and narrative of who Nelson Mandela truly was. There are intricate details and nuances that have not been explored in films created by international filmmakers about Nelson Mandela, as there is a unique perspective that comes from being rooted in the local culture.”