Following the recent accusation of assault made by Luke Ntombela against DJ Tira, the renowned Gqom producer has released an official statement. In this statement, DJ Tira, represented by his spokesperson, refutes the allegations, deeming them baseless, unfounded, and false. Moreover, he highlights the detrimental impact these accusations have on his public image and reputation.
The statement further addresses the continuous defamation of DJ Tira’s character and brand through Luke Ntombela’s social media posts. It emphasizes the serious harm caused by these defamatory allegations and urges Luke Ntombela to retract her statements and issue a public apology. Failure to comply with these demands will result in severe legal consequences.
DJ Tira also asserts that Luke Ntombela’s interview on Ukhozi FM Radio station was an attempt to blackmail him. He warns that if the statements made are not retracted and a public apology is not issued, legal action will be pursued.